
Conch Island ’24 Staff


Connie Conch

Figurehead • Constance.Mermaid

Shrewed in the poker ring, lewd in the bedroom – Connie Conch is a powerhouse of a woman – able to seal business deals just as well as she’s able to shot gun a beer.  This is really her island and we all just play on it.  Connie welcomes you back to another year of festival vibes on Conch Island.  Be sure to say hello if you see her! You might just get some free swag goodies!

Ronnie Conch

Ex Husband Figurehead • RonaldConch.Resident

When Connie took him to the cleaners, Ronnie didn’t even have a pair of briefs to wash.  He is lovesick, resentful, temperamental but low-key the best friend Connie could ever ask for.  Connie has graciously allowed him to help her run this year’s festival.  Be sure to shoot him a “hello!” if you see him – you might just get some free goodies!

Matticus Merrow

Co-Owner • Matticus.Merrow

Matticus Merrow is a world builder, owner of the merman brand ((Krature)), and a DJ dabbler. He is excited to bring everyone back to Conch Island for our sophomore year which will be sure to deliver laughs, thrills and a whole lot of fun.

Cecily Corvinus

Co-owner • Cecily.Corvinus (formerly Cecily.Muircastle)

Cecily Lumiere is the owner of virtual brand Zen Child Designs & Brine, artist and curator of MUIR art gallery, full-time dog mom, enthusiastic decorator and a mermaid in both SL and RL. She was voted “mostly likely to be reading smut fantasy novels” by her friends.

Vesper Absinthe

Entertainment Coordinator • Vesper.Absinthe

Vesper Absinthe is the owner of Lucid Dreams, a club that features some of the best live mix DJs on the grid. He is a live mix DJ who mixes a variety of trance, house, and techno genres as well as an avid roleplayer and a merman both in SL and RL. When not DJing or RPing, he can usually be found gaming, at the gym, or reading smut recommended to him by Cecily.

Devlin Foxx Fangs

Blogging Team Manager • Devlin.Demonpaws

Devlin has been part of the SL artistic community since the dawn of the dinos.. Well 2009. Blogging, Photography, cheering on her friends that are amazing creators.. These are the things that spark a wild Devlin’s soul. It is rare to see her out of her natural blogger habitat, the platform… If you do spot her it’s usually because she has been summoned by work, shopping or friends making her enjoy a night out.

Willow Sleydon

Hotel & Experiences • Willow.Waifu

Willow Sleydon is a sometimes builder, sometimes singer, sometimes theme park aficionado. She can usually be found being a geek about something and is usually happy to tag along to whatever shenanigans are afoot.

Neve Nebula

Champion, Director at Large • Neve.Nebula

Neve Nebula is an accomplished creator, designer and builder who has been crafting magic in Second Life for over 10 years.  Though she has had many lives here, she currently runs a mermaid brand, Mermade., and dabbles in other ventures as well.  When not working Neve can be found enjoying live music in SL and running around the grid with her friends.

Ziekel Fishtail

Videography & Landscaping Support • Ziekel.Fishtail

Ziekel is a multi-talented sim builder and creative who’s work has been recognized and showcased by Linden Labs on multiple occasions.  Her last large-scale project, The Bay, was known across the grid as a top destination for it’s almost ten year run.   In addition, Ziekel is a talented videographer and editor within Second Life – her youtube channel seeks to showcase other builders in meta verse spaces as well as provide tools for mermaids and builders just starting their journeys in SL.  She is excited to help with Conch Island Festival, as listening to live singers is her favorite thing about Second life!